Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating Seeds

Create your seeds in a .csv or .txt file with headers that map to the values in the Fields tab.

Before you begin

Regardless of what type of tactic you are inserting the seeds into, you first have to upload a seeds file to your tactic. Before you can use the Seeds tab on File, Send a Message, or in an Omni Tactic you must create a comma separated and double quoted (if needed) .csv or .txt seed file and save it in the Campaign Manager document explorer.


  1. Create the .csv file:

The header row column formats of the .csv file must map to the columns on the database (case sensitive). You must have a column in the uploaded seeds file for every data type you are mapping to your database.

The following example shows a .csv file with database fields, a variable, attributes and engineered columns:

You must specify the various data types in the .csv seeds file header row you are mapping to the database in the following formats:

Type Example
Database Fields [Databasename].[Tablename].[Columnname]

For example: [Demo].[Customer].[Surname]

Attributes {Attribute.CellName}; {Attribute.CreativeInstanceKey}; {Attribute.CreativeName}; {Attribute.CampaignDocumentId}; {Attribute.CampaignKeyValue}
Variables {Variable.VariableName}

For example: {Variable.Region}

Engineered {Engineering.Engineered Column Name}
Note: Any values that you have added as free text to your setup message variables do not need to be added to the seeds file. This is because the values are taken from your text and not mapped from the database. For example, you might add the email subject as free text.

  1. Upload the .csv file to the Campaign Manager document explorer (for more information, see Uploading files).
  2. Click the Seeds tab.
  3. Click the Browse button to locate your .csv or .txt file in the document explorer.
  4. Select the file and click Select.

If the seeds file maps correctly, a green check mark is displayed to the right of the Browse button:

If the seeds file is mapped incorrectly, a red cross is displayed next to the Browse button:

A seeds file does not map correctly when:

  • There is no header row
  • The header rows are set up incorrectly
  • The file format is not a comma delimited and double quote qualified .txt or .csv file extension


When you have uploaded the seeds file, one of the following messages appears regarding seed file mapping:

Message Description
None of the Seeds map to a field There are no fields in either the Fields or Send a Message tab on the tactic. Add the fields on the relevant tab and click the Refresh button .
Seeds Mapped All columns used in the seeds file are used in the Fields tab or Send a Message tab on the tactic. The campaign will validate successfully.
Seeds mapped. One or more Seeds are unused Not all columns in the seeds file are used in the Fields tab or Send a Message tab on the tactic. The campaign will validate successfully.
One or more Seeds failed. One or more Seeds are unused There are fields specified under the Fields tab that do not appear in the seeds file. Campaign validation will fail.

Example of seed file mapping

The screen shot below shows a seeds file:

When you select this seed file, the mapping is successful, even though there are two columns in the seeds file that are not in the fields ('title' and 'EngineeredCol'). The "Seeds mapped. One or more Seeds are unused" message is displayed because of these two extra columns in the seeds file. Here is the mapping result under the Seeds tab for the above seeds file:

Below are the corresponding fields under the Fields tab. You can see that 'title' and 'EngineeredCol' are not specified fields, however this does not cause a problem and the campaign can be validated:

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